Yes, I've hit the big 29 today, which is relevant only in that it means I'm now less than 365 days from the much, much bigger 30. Today itself was pretty normal. Work was work, and then my parents visited to treat me to dinner and, as the first of the gifts and a rather weird one, a new suit. Dinner was good. Standing around Kohl's was a minor torture, but an acceptable one. So how do I feel?
Well, on and off, scared shitless.
My God, I'm almost thirty. My twenty something years can be measured in the span of one calendar. Okay, half of two calendars, you know what I mean. There's so much I didn't do. It's not age that gets me down, it's the accomplishments. I thought at this age, I'd be married, maybe have a career, or at least I'd have a job that I had some passion for. More importantly, I'd have a close group of friends, and adventures, and a life well-lived. Instead, I spent far too long rotting in suburbia, unaware of how to break out. Well, one way or another, this damn circumstance has to change. I'm letting life pass me by and ignoring all the warnings screaming at me; the high school reunion, the roommate that had to be replaced because he and his fiancée bought a house, and all the relatives getting married. And now this. Well, one way or another, I won't let it happen. I may not have a life per sec, but I refuse to let life win.
Now, the trick is to figure out how...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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