Most of us, at least most of us who live in or care about America, have treated the last day or two as a commemorative occasion for Barack Obama. After his first year of being president, people have asked how that year has been. Has he lived up to expectations? Underperformed? Does he confirm or refute his opponents' fears? What will come from now?
I, however, think about something else this week. As a follower of politics, I also wonder about the Obama administration, but today is another, more direct anniversary. On January 21, the day after the inauguration, I was laid off from my last real job. Not that I blame him for that. I down he even had time to enact policy that would suddenly result in me getting fired in those twelve hours or so, and if the universe was somehow karmically attacking us for electing him, I would be a strange target of it.
So I'll worry less about him and figure out my own progress. This...hasn't been a good year. Sure, I had my fun. I played a lot of video games, watched a lot of TV, and read probably less than I should have. But there are other barometers to success, ones more important than that.
Artistically: Overall, I'm happy with my artistic progress this year. I still did less than I should, but I did do more than most. In April I wrote what is probably my proudest accomplishment to date creatively: my first REAL screenplay. Maybe it isn't my favorite creation of all time, but it falls only behind a few of my favorite video game design documents. And while neither the design documents nor a screenplay counts as a full product onto itself, a screenplay strikes me as at least as an artistic achievement unto itself and not a suggestion on how to make an artistic achievement. I'm less happy with my novel made last November, despite actual plans to sell it. But the idea is fine, and I'm in the process of rewriting it, primarily next month. I only did a page so far, but the new direction is already better, and it was met with approval at today's writer group.
Financially: This was not so good. My income was sporadic at best. The first few months and the last few months were nothing. And when did I find a job, it was a temporary one. Things looked like they improved. I did a week of work in April, a few weeks in June and July, and a few months from August to October. In the meantime, I had unemployment, but no matter how hard I looked, nothing else has come up. In the meantime, I looked for something more fulfilling. I mean finally getting a job that involves video games, writing, or at least something creative. No luck so far.
As for outgoing expense, things went fine until at least September, when my last roommate moved out. Since then, my rent cost doubled, and that I can't afford. I've been putting this off, out of distraction or simply hope that I find a new roommate. Why? Because I know what moving means. It means going from a relatively nice apartment to a room or two. It means putting half my stuff in storage for God knows how long. It means the act of moving. It means things are going to be different, and for the worst. But it has to be done very soon, like the end of the month or so.
Socially: Hoo boy. To be fair, I had reason to barely try this year. The poor, broke, and jobless are not the most appealing people to date. Now I had some luck making friends, or at least hanging out with the ones I have. It's just a shame that too many live like an hour away. Hey, maybe when forced to move, if that happens, it can be slightly closer to them! Yeah, that's not much of a silver lining, but it's something. And at least I know that one way or another, things will change this year. Maybe that means something good, like a job I actually care about or even selling something I've written. Maybe not. But at the very least I know if I don't change things under my own hand, things will change anyway. Because the last, desperate change is to move back in with my parents. And nobody wants that, especially my parents.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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