Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Life: This Blog, Again

And, more importantly, what to do with it. The lack of response to it so far has been disheartening, yes, and advice on how to get some people to notice it have suggested my writing itself, or at least my choice of topics, was the fault. That's fair, I suppose. I do have a bad habit of putting this thing off until the end of the day; I worry it's becoming a chore. I still plan on doing something with this, but I'm trying to decide what. It would be helpful, though, to get some suggestions of some of the writing that was good. Were there particular topics people liked? Particular articles? I suppose suggesting which ones really DIDN'T work would be helpful, too, though a "they all suck" would not. Regardless, I'll have at least one new post starting next week, as I decide what subjects are worth continuing.

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